November 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 01:31:29 UTC 2001
Ending: Fri Nov 30 23:46:20 UTC 2001
Messages: 338
- is R-Quant OSD compliant?
Ferdinando Ametrano
- is R-Quant OSD compliant?
Ferdinando Ametrano
- Open source shareware?
Ken Arromdee
- QPL issue
Joachim Bauernberger
- QPL issue
Joachim Bauernberger
- copyrights
Michael Beck
- lesser GPL restrictions
Michael Beck
- lesser GPL restrictions
Michael Beck
- lesser GPL restrictions
Michael Beck
- Copyright in contracts/licenses (was: Re: [Approval request] CMGPL licence)
Brian Behlendorf
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Marcel van der Boom
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Marcel van der Boom
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Marcel van der Boom
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Marcel van der Boom
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Marcel van der Boom
- Approval request - Poetic License
Chris Brien
- Approval request - Poetic License
Christopher Brien
- Open source shareware?
Ken Brown
- Open source shareware?
Ken Brown
- Purpose of this list
Adrian Cho
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
John Cowan
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
John Cowan
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
John Cowan
- Wonka Public Licence
John Cowan
- copyrights
John Cowan
- copyrights
John Cowan
- lesser GPL restrictions
John Cowan
- The measure of success
John Cowan
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
John Cowan
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
John Cowan
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
John Cowan
- Approval request - Poetic License
John Cowan
- Approval request - Poetic License
John Cowan
- Public domain
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- public domain
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
John Cowan
- Version 2. Open source shareware
John Cowan
- Version 2. Open source shareware
John Cowan
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
John Cowan
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
John Cowan
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
John Cowan
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
John Cowan
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
John Cowan
- Fails OSD #1. [Re: OSD compliant shareware]
John Cowan
- OSD compliant shareware
John Cowan
- OSD compliant shareware
John Cowan
- OSD compliant shareware
John Cowan
- OSD compliant shareware
John Cowan
- OSD compliant shareware
John Cowan
- Python 2.2 license
John Cowan
- Please discuss the PSF license
John Cowan
- Python 2.2 license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
John Cowan
- Open source shareware?
David Davies
- Is it really free software ?
- Is it really free software ?
- lesser GPL restrictions
- copyrights
- copyrights
- copyrights
- copyrights
- lesser GPL restrictions
- lesser GPL restrictions
- Public domain
- lesser GPL restrictions
- lesser GPL restrictions
- public domain
- public domain
- Open source shareware?
- Open source shareware?
- Software patents and copyrights
- Open source shareware?
Rod Dixon
- Open source shareware?
Feller, Joe
- Can anyone say his or her software is open source?
Tina Gasperson
- Can anyone say his or her software is open source?
Tina Gasperson
- Can anyone say his or her software is open source?
Tina Gasperson
- New Version of Artistic License
Chris Gehlker
- New Version of Artistic License
Chris Gehlker
- copyrights
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- Open source shareware?
Chris Gehlker
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Chris Gehlker
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Chris Gehlker
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Chris Gehlker
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Chris Gehlker
- Usage of Open Source Licensed software as service
Chris Gehlker
- Usage of Open Source Licensed software as service
Chris Gehlker
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Chris Gehlker
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Chris Gehlker
- Wonka Public Licence
Chris Gray
- copyrights
Chris Gray
- copyrights
Chris Gray
- copyrights
Chris Gray
- copyrights
Chris Gray
- Wonka Public Licence
Chris Gray
- Wonka Public Licence
Chris Gray
- Wonka Public Licence
Chris Gray
- Wonka Public Licence
Chris Gray
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License (Draft 2)
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License
Paul Guyot
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
Paul Guyot
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Paul Guyot
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License
Paul Guyot
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Paul Guyot
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Paul Guyot
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Paul Guyot
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
Paul Guyot
- GPL under MacOS and NewtonOS
Paul Guyot
- Redistributions must retain this list of conditions
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License (Draft 3)
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
Paul Guyot
- Fails OSD #1. [Re: OSD compliant shareware]
Gregor Hoffleit
- FYI: New revision of the Zope Public License
Gregor Hoffleit
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Chloe Hoffman
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Chloe Hoffman
- Open source shareware?
Chloe Hoffman
- free database licenses
Tom Hull
- OSD compliant shareware
Humphreys, Noel
- OSD compliant shareware
Humphreys, Noel
- OSD compliant shareware
Humphreys, Noel
- OSD compliant shareware
Forrest J Cavalier III
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Open source shareware?
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Open source shareware?
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Open source shareware?
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Open source shareware?
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Version 2. Open source shareware
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Version 2. Open source shareware
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- OSD compliant shareware
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- OSD #1 proposed change
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Please discuss the PSF license
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Fails OSD #1. [Re: OSD compliant shareware]
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- QPL issue
Forrest J. Cavalier III
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
David Johnson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
David Johnson
- Wonka Public Licence
David Johnson
- New Version of Artistic License
David Johnson
- Is it really free software ?
David Johnson
- copyrights
David Johnson
- lesser GPL restrictions
David Johnson
- lesser GPL restrictions
David Johnson
- Approval request - Poetic License
David Johnson
- lesser GPL restrictions
David Johnson
- Open source shareware?
David Johnson
- Open source shareware?
David Johnson
- Software patents and copyrights
David Johnson
- OSD compliant shareware
David Johnson
- OSD compliant shareware
David Johnson
- OSD compliant shareware
David Johnson
- OSD compliant shareware
David Johnson
- Please discuss the PSF license
David Johnson
- OSD compliant shareware
David Johnson
- [OT] Spam
David Johnson
- [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license
David Johnson
- Granting permission.
Yonas Jongkind
- Restricting test results disclosure
Andrew Josey
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License
Abe Kornelis
- [Approval Request] Kallisys Reflexive License
Abe Kornelis
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Randy Kramer
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Randy Kramer
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Randy Kramer
- Is it really free software ?
Randy Kramer
- Is the "Guile" license OSI approved?
J C Lawrence
- Granting permission.
Steve Lhomme
- Software patents and copyrights
Steve Lhomme
- Spirit of OSD - was[Fails OSD #1.]
Steve Mallett
- Spirit of OSD - was[Fails OSD #1.]
Steve Mallett
- OSD/ Translations
Steve Mallett
- OSD/ Translations
Steve Mallett
- free database licenses
Steve Mallett
- free database licenses
Steve Mallett
- free database licenses
Steve Mallett
- Request for comments on patents and OS licenses
Sabine McNeill
- Spirit of OSD - was[Fails OSD #1.]
Robin (Roblimo) Miller
- Software patents and copyrights
Rick Moen
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Russell Nelson
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- OSI announcements list announcement
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Russell Nelson
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Russell Nelson
- Anti-spam filter on the mailing list
Russell Nelson
- OSD compliant shareware
Russell Nelson
- Wonka Public Licence
Russell Nelson
- Wonka Public Licence
Russell Nelson
- Wonka Public Licence
Russell Nelson
- Please discuss the PSF license
Russell Nelson
- Please discuss the PSF license
Russell Nelson
- FYI: New revision of the Zope Public License
Hadar Pedhazur
- Fails OSD #1. [Re: OSD compliant shareware]
Bruce Perens
- Spirit of OSD - was[Fails OSD #1.]
Bruce Perens
- Please include data URI of the approved license
Joseph Reagle
- copyrights
Samuel Reynolds
- copyrights
Samuel Reynolds
- OSD compliant shareware
Samuel Reynolds
- OSD compliant shareware
Samuel Reynolds
- OSD compliant shareware
Samuel Reynolds
- Viewable Source License
Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
- Open Source Licensing: OSD 2002
Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
- Bits of perl redistributable under LGPL?
John Rowe
- Usage of Open Source Licensed software as service
- Usage of Open Source Licensed software as service
- copyrights
Angelo Schneider
- copyrights
Angelo Schneider
- Granting permission.
Angelo Schneider
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Angelo Schneider
- Open source shareware?
Angelo Schneider
- Viewable Source License
Tom Schouteden
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- The measure of success
Rui Miguel Seabra
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Rui Miguel Seabra
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- Public domain
Rui Miguel Seabra
- lesser GPL restrictions
Rui Miguel Seabra
- public domain
Rui Miguel Seabra
- public domain
Rui Miguel Seabra
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Karsten M. Self
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Karsten M. Self
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Karsten M. Self
- Is it really free software ?
Karsten M. Self
- The measure of success
Karsten M. Self
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Karsten M. Self
- copyrights
Karsten M. Self
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Karsten M. Self
- Copyright in contracts/licenses (was: Re: [Approval request] CMGPL licence)
Karsten M. Self
- Approval request - Poetic License
Karsten M. Self
- Approval request - Poetic License
Karsten M. Self
- lesser GPL restrictions
Karsten M. Self
- Copyright in contracts/licenses (was: Re: [Approval request] CMGPL licence)
Karsten M. Self
- Approval request - Poetic License
Karsten M. Self
- Open source shareware?
Karsten M. Self
- public domain
Karsten M. Self
- Open source shareware?
Karsten M. Self
- Software patents and copyrights
Karsten M. Self
- Open source shareware?
Karsten M. Self
- Open source shareware?
Karsten M. Self
- Software patents and copyrights
Karsten M. Self
- Approval request - Poetic License
Karsten M. Self
- OSD compliant shareware
Karsten M. Self
- OSD #1 proposed change
Karsten M. Self
- OSD #1 proposed change
Karsten M. Self
- is R-Quant OSD compliant?
Karsten M. Self
- Wonka Public Licence
Karsten M. Self
- OSD #1 proposed change
Karsten M. Self
- QPL issue
Karsten M. Self
- Please discuss the PSF license
Karsten M. Self
- OT: vacation messages
Karsten M. Self
- FYI: New revision of the Zope Public License
Karsten M. Self
- Viewable Source License
Karsten M. Self
- Bits of perl redistributable under LGPL?
Karsten M. Self
- Restricting test results disclosure
Karsten M. Self
- lesser GPL restrictions
Chris D. Sloan
- Open source shareware?
Chris D. Sloan
- OSD compliant shareware
Chris D. Sloan
- OSD compliant shareware
Chris D. Sloan
- OSD #1 proposed change
Chris D. Sloan
- Python 2.2 license
Chris D. Sloan
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Stamnes, Michelle
- Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Stamnes, Michelle
- free database licenses
M. Drew Streib
- free database licenses
M. Drew Streib
- lesser GPL restrictions
Clebert Suconic
- The measure of success
Andy Tai
- model for Apache Re: FYI: New revision of the Zope Public License
Andy Tai
- Is the "Guile" license OSI approved?
Andy Tai
- lesser GPL restrictions
Ian Lance Taylor
- public domain
Ian Lance Taylor
- public domain
Ian Lance Taylor
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Matthew C. Weigel
- Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license
Matthew C. Weigel
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
Matthew C. Weigel
- Open source shareware?
Matthew C. Weigel
- OSD/ Translations
Mark Wielaard
- Is the "Guile" license OSI approved?
Martin Wolters
- OSD compliant shareware
David Woolley
- Is the "Guile" license OSI approved?
David Woolley
- OSD/ Translations
- OSD compliant shareware
- OT (Re: [Approval Request] BSD-Lite license)
- Is it really free software ?
email at
- copyrights
email at
- copyrights
email at
- copyrights
email at
- copyrights
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- The measure of success
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- The measure of success
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- Approval request - Poetic License
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- lesser GPL restrictions
email at
- copyrights
phil hunt
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
phil hunt
- [Approval request] CMGPL licence
phil hunt
- Open source shareware?
phil hunt
- Open source shareware?
phil hunt
- Open source shareware?
phil hunt
- OSD #1 proposed change
phil hunt
- Is the "Guile" license OSI approved?
phil hunt
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 23:46:20 UTC 2001
Archived on: Wed Dec 6 21:00:16 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).