The measure of success

Andy Tai lichengtai at
Wed Nov 7 01:37:44 UTC 2001

This is rather naive, or pretending to be naive, way
of looking at things.  You don't have to agree with
the GPL supporters, but at least you can acknowledge
their rational for preventing reuse in proprietary

You shall pay a visit to, or see the
History of the GPL page at

--- email at wrote:
> The success of open-source can only be measured
> by the number of people using open-source code.

> Don't think of proprietary programs as bad.
> Think of them as another distribution channel for 
> your open-source software.
> Don't think of proprietary software companies as
> bad.
> Think of them as a group of experts that would
> benefit
> from your code being bug free and feature rich.
> Greg

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