lesser GPL restrictions

DeBug debug at centras.lt
Thu Nov 8 16:29:30 UTC 2001

>>> Sometimes in a competitive situation "his gain" is "my loss". 
D> It sounds to me like you own the market and if someone takes
D> a piece of a pie (customers) from you this is your loss
D> Let's be honest customers do not belong to you or me they do
D> belong to themselves and are free to use from anyone of us
However if your competitor try to own the customers (let's say
buy patenting algorithm you developed) then it really becomes a problem.
Yeah. This is what i want to avoid. If i put my work in public domain
i am not garanteed noone will restict the use of my work. On the other
hand i want to make sure that even i will not change my mind and try
to restrict the customers. Licenses does not resolve the problem

Best regards,
 DeBug                            mailto:debug at centras.lt

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