OSD/OpenSource.org Translations

Steve Mallett steve at opensourcedirectory.com
Wed Nov 14 15:22:26 UTC 2001

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 11:03, Steve Mallett wrote:
> Has anyone seen any _good_ reproductions of the OSD, or any other documents
> about open-source in other languages?  I'm looking for German right now.

I put the OSD from opensource.org into babel fish (english to german) out of 
curiousity & posted here:  http://open5ource.net/translations/ _if_ anyone 
does read German and can evaluate how bad a job it probably did.

Steve Mallett | Stable, Open-Source Apps 
steve at opensourcedirectory.com | http://OSDir.org 
webmaster at opensource.org
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