[Approval request] CMGPL licence

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Wed Nov 7 20:08:08 UTC 2001

Marcel van der Boom writes:
 > 2. Existing license relation
 > ============================
 > The CMGPL is an slight adaptation of the GPL to suit it better to our 
 > business needs.

For better or worse, the GPL is a document copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation and they have not granted permission to make
derivative works.  While we disagree with the Free Software Foundation
in certain details, philosophically we are closely aligned.
Consequently I am going to support the FSF and not do anything to help 
this license to be approved.

Please either use the GPL as written, adopt another approved license,
or write your own license (which we will be glad to consider for

-russ nelson <sig at russnelson.com>  http://russnelson.com
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