Software patents and copyrights

Rick Moen rick at
Sun Nov 11 13:48:07 UTC 2001

begin DeBug quotation:

> I have subscribed to the list hoping to talk with the people who care
> most about free software but at the moment i am disappointed.

Well, that's because you're on the wrong list.

This list exists to discuss specific licences with an eye to reviewing
them as part of OSI's approval process.  You're clearly interested in 
some radically different discussion, and should seek that elsewhere.

Cheers,      "Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first
Rick Moen     woman she meets, and then teams up with three complete strangers
rick at       to kill again."  -- Rick Polito's That TV Guy column,
              describing the movie _The Wizard of Oz_
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