Brent Turner turnerbrentm at gmail.com
Fri May 29 16:11:08 UTC 2015

Checking in on any updates here-



On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Dan Wallach <dwallach at cs.rice.edu> wrote:

> I can't speak on behalf of Travis County, but I can explain why we're
> talking about "suitable open source license" rather than picking a specific
> one. In short, because lawyers. That's why MIT did their own. That's why
> Apache did their own. Ditto for Android. It's too early in the game to
> write down specific legal language. Instead, what matters is that we talk
> about our intent.
> The idea behind pointing specifically to the vote verification machinery
> as distinct from the rest of the voting machine is that we haven't nailed
> down the business specifics yet. That depends, in no small part, on who's
> paying for it. However, it's essential to the security model that
> independent third parties have the data and tools necessary to verify the
> cryptographic aspects of the election, and the best way to make that happen
> is to develop code that's easy to give away. (Again, under a "suitable"
> open source license.) The intent is that the Democrats, the Republicans,
> the newspapers, the League of Women Voters, etc., can take the reference
> code and build their own bespoke web services or whatever else.
> Thanks,
> Dan
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