Question on using apache and lgpl license
David Woolley
forums at
Sun Aug 16 09:06:07 UTC 2009
Neo Anderson wrote:
> I am developing an application licensed with lgpl 3.0. Now I am
+ It looks like using apache license in application licensed with lgpl 3.0
+ is ok. However, I discover that in apache they explains that
> 2. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
If the licences are compatible, and the overall product is LGPL, obeying
the LGPL should be sufficient. In this case, including an appropriate
copyright notices, as required by the LGPL, would, I suspect, be
sufficient, i.e. add yourself to the list of copyright owners for the
file. (Note some people in Europe say you need to provide enough
information to identify your country of domicile.)
Best practice would require you to indicate which bits you actually
owned, so that, in the case of a dispute, they can be seperated out.
> I understand this is minor problem, but I am not familiar with law
Please note that I am not a lawyer and even the lawyers here will not
give you a legally binding opinion based on a mailing list posting.
David Woolley
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