Automatic GPL termination

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Sep 19 11:51:17 UTC 2007

Philippe Verdy scripsit:

> > > > How can present day Free Software believers wallow in the tripe that
> > > > Moglen spews? His goal is the destruction of "intellectual property"
> > > > in commerce.
> This is wrong. Otherwise the "no commercial use" would have been included in
> the GPL (something that is forbidden, any attempt to do that invalidates the
> compatibility with the GPL).

You're talking past one another.  Moglen is not opposed to commerce,
nor is the GPL.  He is opposed to monopoly (so-called IP).  To be against
monopoly is not to be against commerce; on the contrary.

> The GPL does not steal any IP right when they exist and are restricted.

True.  However, the GPL *is* merely tactical for Moglen -- he'd much
rather see copyright and the other IP rights abolished, de facto if not
de jure.

(For myself, I think there's a much bigger, older, and eviler monopoly
that also needs targeting, but perhaps Moglen is tactically right to
go after the lesser evil first, since the historical circumstances seem
right for disposing of it.)

BALIN FUNDINUL          UZBAD KHAZADDUMU        cowan at

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