Official License Anti-Proliferation policy?

Laura Majerus LMajerus at
Tue Apr 12 03:13:17 UTC 2005

While I don't yet know exactly what the license proliferation committee will recommend to the board about tiering overall,  I do know that the Gpl will not be placed in a non-recomended tier.  No way.

I personally think we need a word instead of 'deprecated' by the way because it has some negative meanings in the non-technical world.  'Not recomended anymore' is closer to our intent.

It's impossible to opine on whether licenses we haven't seen are duplicative. Sorry.  But the three  criteria are for license approval going FORWARD.  We're not going to apply them retroactively.

Laura Majerus
OSI Director of Legal Affairs

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	cody koeninger [mailto:codykoeninger at]
Sent:	Mon Apr 11 19:50:55 2005
To:	license-discuss at
Subject:	Re: Official License Anti-Proliferation policy?

> * From now on, approved licenses must meet three new
> criteria of being (a) non-duplicative, (b) clear
> and understandable . . .

Does that mean the GPL is soon to be on the
'deprecated' list?  Seriously, this is not intended as
a troll.  I'd find it hard to call the GPL either
clear and understandable, or technically correct.

Would a clear, technically correct rewrite of the GPL
be "duplicative"?  If so, isnt the Board's statement
foreclosing the possiblity of real improvement on the
issue of satisfying both 'suits' and 'hackers'?

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