License Approval Committee

Russell Nelson nelson at
Thu Apr 24 00:55:54 UTC 2003

Don Jarrell writes:
 > - What is the standard by which votes are interpreted 
 > as "approval" ?  Absence of any objection ? That's a 
 > pretty high-standard given the open constituency of the
 > list.  Number of nay votes ? Number or percentage of yea
 > votes ?  Kind of fuzzy.  

Rough consensus.  Like the IETF uses.

 > - Could list members whose bent is revealed to be
 > inconsistent with the OSI/OSD be booted from the list ?
 > Could they become non-voting viewers ?

They would be ignored.

 > - After reading the new certification page again, I
 > wonder if the all-list-member review could be better
 > as a _screening_ process, prior to Board review of the
 > short-list where actual "approval" and "certification"
 > are conferred.

That's how it's going to be.  That's how it's *got* to be.

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