Discuss: Request for OSI approval

Steve Mallett steve at opensourcedirectory.com
Fri Apr 26 00:15:31 UTC 2002

> I actually wasn't discussing your e-mail, at all:  I was making a
> suggestion for the OSI Web site.  One that strikes me as a no-brainer,
> in fact.

Rick Moen writes:
 > Submitters should ideally do their own text-janitorial work.

We specifically ask them for HTML, because it's easier to remove
markup than create it from scratch.

I've added a note to the certification mark instructions: "ASCII text is 
'preferred' if asked to post your license to the 'licence-discuss' mailing 
list. "

Steve Mallett | http://OSDir.org - Just Stable, Open Source Apps
steve at opensourcedirectory.com | webmaster at opensource.org
http://open5ource.net <personal>

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