News. was[Re: forums]

Karsten M. Self kmself at
Sat Sep 29 18:31:57 UTC 2001

on Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 03:24:58AM -0300, Steve Mallett (steve at wrote:
> > Another thought:
> >
> > Many high-traffic lists (of which I'm not sure l-d really qualifies)
> > have a "news" summary that's posted periodically, usually weekly.  This
> > usually covers highlights of recent discussion.  Examples include
> > kernel-traffic and Debian Weekly News.  This might be another solution
> > to the current problem.
> >
> > Peace.
> I was just thinking about this... kinda.  The highlights part anyway.....
> After posting and playing with the PHP-Nuke forums test-site I did mention to 
> the board the thought of using this type of site in its original intent, a 
> news site.
> Currenty I feel its a bit of a pity that Gems like this 
> ( are lost 
> to the ether or tucked away in the old-news sections of /. (for which there 
> isn't an open-source 'topic' per se.  And newsforge is just way to busy.  In 
> a good way.
> I'd like to use this php-nuke thingy to post this type of story in a k5 type 
> manner.   I hope the k5 reference isn't lost on 
> anyone.  8^)
> This particular tool, I feel, is best suited to this type of thing.  Its a 
> nice way to catalogue o.s.-ish news chronilogically.  And though the webforum 
> isn't something that those who are technical users may prefer it is the 
> default way that newbies would be accustomed to.
> I just talked myself into it.  That's a damn good idea.

Thanks ;-)

Note that this still boils down to a filtering mechanims.  I *do* like
the (theoretical) effectiveness of collaborative filtering tools.  A
"news" like feature could be implemented by skimming highly-rated items,
comments, and/or threads from general discussion.  Scoop's only made
partial progress in this regard to date.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
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