Translated licenses?

David Johnson david at
Tue Aug 29 02:43:37 UTC 2000

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Antoine Leca wrote:

> For instance I remember seeing the GPL licence translated to French
> <URL:>, but it is prefaced
> with "this version is not official, the English one is". That's fine
> with me for the existing softwares, but to force me to switch to
> English when I create a project is not that fine, I think.

An interesting puzzle. A translation of one of the simpler
non-copyleft licenses would be the easiest. The copylefted licenses
are a lot more involved, and I would consult a French lawyer before
using anything you've translated yourself. But it sounds like you wish
to create your own new license...

Using a French license will cause the same problem you're experiencing
to happen to non-French speakers. I would suggest dual licensing. One
would be the French license, and the other an English license that is
reasonably close in intent to the French version. Maybe you could
create both licenses at the same time, then get in touch with a lawyer
to ensure that they both mean the same thing.

David Johnson

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