Who gets stuck with advocacy?

Ean R . Schuessler ean at novare.net
Wed Sep 22 21:10:17 UTC 1999

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 05:03:26AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Hello?  Anyone who plays the reputation game *must* have regard for
> what others think, by definition.  You're confused.

I shudder to mention this tired old saw, but it seems oddly apt in the 
context of this "reputation game" discussion.

  Stupid people talk about other people
  Interesting people talk about things 
  Brilliant people talk about ideas 
  And then make those ideas happen.

I think its clear where the "reputation" game fits into that model, if
you want to give such cliches any credit. Oh, and while I'm at it:

  Many of us are more capable than some of us but none of us is as capable 
  as all of us. - Ziggy <-- heh heh heh

  Treat people as though they were what they ought to be and you help
  them become what they are capable of being. - Goethe

I was hoping I could work in a "Precious Moments" quote, but I couldn't
find anything applicable. Wait, I'll make one up!

  Love is, not having a password. - Fake Precious Moments Quote

I regret having subjected all of you to this useless message,

Ean Schuessler                                             As above
Novare International Inc.                                  so below
--- Some or all of the above signature may be a joke

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