Educational Community License question

Jules hammerjammer at
Fri Nov 4 04:56:55 UTC 2005

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the ECL v1.0, would the following notice placed just after 
the copyright notice but before the line "Licensed under the 
Educational..." allow me to use the ECL? :

"Notices: All redistributions or modifications of this work by any 
party, in whole or part and with or without modification, must always 
prominently display all text on this page in verbatim, unaltered and  
verifiable form."

Is this type of preceding notice acceptable under the ECL v1.0?
(there is no indication as to the type of notice acceptable so i feel 
i need to ask so as not to violate the usage of the ECL & OSI-
Certified logo).

Thanks for all help!


"Slavish adherence to tradition is a sign that one has nothing better 
else to think 
- Natasha Kerensky

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