FYI: Next draft of MySQL FLOSS license exception

Zak Greant zak at
Tue May 18 11:57:09 UTC 2004

On May 17, 2004, at 21:51, John Cowan wrote:
> Zak Greant scripsit:
>> The intent of the exception is to allow more Free/Libre and Open 
>> Source
>> Software applications to be able to form derivative works with
>> GPL-licensed MySQL software.
> The exception says that the MySQL client code can be combined with
> any code licensed under one of a laundry-list of FLOSS licenses.
> However, it does not require that the resulting code be so licensed.
> Thus, you could have component A licensed under the BSD license
> (which does *not* require derivative works to be made available in
> source form) combined with your libraries and the result delivered
> in binary form only.  Presumably this is not what you want.

Yikes! I will go away and fix that now.


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