Compatibility of the AFL with the GPL

John Cowan jcowan at
Wed Mar 12 21:02:35 UTC 2003

Andy Tai scripsit:

> So the "AFL" no longer applies to the derived work, is
> that what you are saying?
> So I can do whatever I want with my derived work, from
> a "AFL" work, licensing my derived work in any terms I
> want, and people using the derived work will not be 
> bound by conditions of the "AFL" but by my terms only?

Well, that's the sticky bit.  They are bound by your terms only, except
that if they sue the original AFL author on a patent violation, they are
hosed w/r/t your program, at least as far as copying, modifying, or
distributing it.  Presumably they can still use it.

John Cowan  jcowan at
"It's the old, old story.  Droid meets droid.  Droid becomes chameleon. 
Droid loses chameleon, chameleon becomes blob, droid gets blob back
again.  It's a classic tale." (Kryten, Red Dwarf)
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