[License-review] MIT-CMU license for Python Pillow

McCoy Smith mccoy at lexpan.law
Thu Jun 27 17:24:51 UTC 2024

i did a comparision of MIT and this MIT-CMU license. See attached. There 
are some superficial similarities between the two but they are pretty 
minimal. MIT-CMU also has the clause 3 of BSD 3 which MIT doesn't.

Make of that what you will.

having said that, seems approvable as a legacy and based on it being a 
sort of hybrid of MIT & BSD-3 with some substantial, and likely 
non-substantive, rewriting.

On 6/26/2024 4:59 PM, Richard Fontana wrote:
> I would support adding it as an approved license, defined the way SPDX
> defines it. I don't think it is really an "MIT variant" , despite the
> fact that it was characterized as such under the Callaway system; it's
> more that it and the MIT license proper are both members of a large
> family of related, mostly very old FOSS licenses.
> Richard
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 7:50 PM Pamela Chestek
> <pamela.chestek at opensource.org> wrote:
>> By "committee," I assume you mean the participants on the list. There is
>> a 60 day period for review, so we're about halfway through. I would take
>> a lack of other comments to be agreement with your opinion.
>> Pam
>> On 6/26/2024 4:03 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
>>> Hey, committee:
>>> Can we have some feedback on this?  Let's not run out the clock.
>>> On 6/17/24 09:34, Josh Berkus wrote:
>>>>> Would it be possible to add the legacy "MIT-CMU" license to the OSI
>>>>> approved licenses list so Python Pillow (Python Imaging Library
>>>>> fork) project can update its license to MIT-CMU, which we now
>>>>> consider "more correct" than HPND, details here:
>>>> My vote: this license is clearly open source, and it would make sense
>>>> to have it listed with the note that it is an MIT variant.
>>>> At some stage, it might be good to go through the rest of the list of
>>>> "MIT variants"; nice of Fedora to have collected them for us
>>>> (although I don't agree that all of these are MIT variants, but some
>>>> of them obviously are).  We might want to discuss how to represent
>>>> these on the website.
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