[License-review] Final comment on Open Logistics License (was Re: For Approval: Open Logistics License v1.2)

Pamela Chestek pamela.chestek at opensource.org
Wed Dec 14 17:23:16 UTC 2022

On 12/13/2022 10:38 PM, Jason Self wrote:
> Pamela Chestek said:
>> Bradley has responded in a way that suggests that there some kind
>> of formal vote and I want to clarify that's not the case.
> Pamela Chestek later said:
>> The Board then votes
> A vote does happen then. This seems to go back to...
> Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
>> I ask OSI's Board to REJECT acceptance of "Open Logistics License"
Yes, I wasn't clear. I was saying that the license review process does 
not take a vote among participants on the license-review list, nor does 
anyone on the license-review list have any authority to direct the 
Board's vote (including me), nor does anyone have sway with the Board 
beyond their ability to make cogent argument for or against approval. I 
thought it was worth mentioning in this case because I had received 
feedback in the past that the role of the license-review list is 
confusing and the authoritarian way Bradley stated his disagreement.


Pamela S. Chestek
Chair, Licensing Committee
Open Source Initiative

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