[License-review] EUPL v1.2

Richard Fontana fontana at opensource.org
Tue May 30 17:26:20 UTC 2017

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 05:36:11PM +0200, Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz wrote:
> Dear all,
> As you may know, the European Commission published the EUPL v1.2 in the
> Official Journal (OJ 19/05/2017 L128 p. 59–64
> <http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2017.128.01.0059.01.ENG&toc=OJ:L:2017:128:FULL>
> )
> The draft was screened - positively - by OSI a long time ago.
> The new version does not replace automatically the previous one, except if
> the covered work was licensed "under the EUPL" or "under the EUPL v1.1 or
> later".
> Questions:
> - Will you (OSI Board) update the OSI list accordingly?

EUPL 1.2 was never officially considered for approval (it looks like
the draft was discussed on license-discuss in 2013). So first we would
need to have it go through the approval process. It does appear that
the 2013 discussion was positive.

> - What are the criteria for being categorized as "International Licenses"
> (if LiLIQ belongs to this category, why not the multilingual EUPL ?)

I think we intended 'International Licenses' (perhaps a poorly-chosen
label) to cover licenses that have no official English-language
version, although that is not entirely clear from [1].

[1] https://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-discuss/2015-June/019234.html


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