[License-review] Submission of the Upstream Compatibility License v1.0 (UCL-1.0) for approval

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Tue Oct 25 16:43:21 UTC 2016

On 25/10/16 17:04, Nigel T wrote:
>  1. Folks can't take my work and make it closed source without
>     purchasing a commercial license from me.

This can be done with a copyleft license, as long as you don't want to
take other people's copyleft code (i.e. contributions to your project)
and sell it along with yours. If you do want to do that, then we have
the asymmetric situation people complain about - you get to sell their
copylefted code, but they don't get to sell yours.

>  2. I can use use extensions to my code if I do turn it into a product. 
>     I don't want to get locked out of improvements to my own code.

This can also be done with a copylefted license - you always get to use
improvements to your own code.

> The original author of any copyleft codebase, even under MPL, has the
> ability to create a completely closed source fork.

Except that the Mozilla codebase has effectively no "original author"
who can do that any more - the copyright is owned by thousands of
different individuals.


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