[License-review] Request for Approval : Modular Open-source Software License (MOSL)
Asreq Asen
asreq84asen at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 00:51:13 UTC 2012
Pada 25/09/2012 12:14 AM, "Hadrien Grasland" <guydeloinbard at yahoo.fr>
> Dear everybody,
> I would like to submit a draft for a new software license. I have decided
> to write it because I enjoy the idea of enforced source code redistribution
> that is found in the GPL, but have had enough of the GNU political agenda
> that the rest of that license brings with it. I wanted something much
> simpler, something that basically states "If you have legally acquired a
> copy of the binary software, you can legally request a copy of the source
> code from the authors and use it in private too. This requirement is
> transmitted to any derivative work based on this software". And that's it.
> Redistribution conditions otherwise default to BSD/MIT-style permissive
> terms, and can be extended at will to add as many additional restrictions
> as needed, such as in a commercial context where it may be undesirable to
> have someone else take your source code, build it, and legally sell the
> resulting fork for a cheaper price.
> The implemented result is called the Modular Open-source Software License
> (or MOSL for short), and the current draft can be found at this location :
> http://theosperiment.**wordpress.com/mosl/<http://theosperiment.wordpress.com/mosl/>.
> This is a new license, which does not seem to meet a "special need" in
> sense of being restricted to a specific use case. I have failed to find
> another OSI-approved license which sets similar terms, so I don't think it
> is redundant. I did not make it specific to me or someone else, and it has
> no predecessors. As such, I would spontaneously put it in the
> "Other/Miscellaneous licenses" category, for lack of a better choice.
> Also, let me stress again that this is still a draft, which has not
> received lawyer review yet. As such, any comments on the wording or the
> legality of the various terms are very much welcome. If you can think of a
> way I can express this in shorter terms, or notice any potential legal
> loopholes, you are also very much welcome to discuss it too. More
> generally, good luck with the review !
> Best regards,
> Hadrien Grasland
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