For Approval: Transitive Grace Period Public Licence, v1.0

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Wed Jan 21 05:00:42 UTC 2009

Russ Nelson wrote:
> Matthew Flaschen writes:
>  > Okay, to put it more strongly, "YOU'RE supposed to COOPERATE regardless
>  > of whether the submission is anonymous."
> That requires a presumption that each and every license submission
> should be treated like a gold tablet sent down from God to Moses (or
> is that Joseph Smith -- I think I'm confusing my religions here).

Also, the plates were passed down by the angel Moroni...

> The marginal value of the next license approval request is approaching
> zero.

I assume by marginal value you mean the marginal value OSI and the
community get from approving the license.  Fine, so OSI should reject
this license (no argument from me).  That doesn't mean just ignoring
submissions and hoping they go away.

Matt Flaschen

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