[License-discuss] [Non-DoD Source] Re: Discussion: AGPL and Open Source Definition conflict

Florian Weimer fw at deneb.enyo.de
Tue Sep 24 18:50:21 UTC 2019

* John Cowan:

> ELF format is divided into sections, and NOTE sections contain arbitrary
> key-value pairs, where the value can be up to 2 GB.  There seems to be no
> utility for adding and removing these, but there is no problem in
> principle: the ELF format is well documented, and a tool (called elftar,
> perhaps) to add, remove, and extract such chunks would be straightforward.
> It would just be necessary to establish a convention about which keys
> correspond to source files.

SHT_NOTE sections are parsed by the link editor, though, so they have
to use a specific format (and believe it or not, there is still some
disagreement about the details).  It's probably easier to just use a
non-allocated SHT_PROGBITS section, as it is commonly done for
debugging information.

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