[License-discuss] Organizing the FAQ into categories.

Dr. Ernie Prabhakar ernest.prabhakar at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 19:07:21 UTC 2012

+1 Thanks for your hard work, Karl.

On Nov 28, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Karl Fogel <kfogel at red-bean.com> wrote:

> In another thread, Luis Villa <luis at tieguy.org> wrote:
>> [I'd also repeat my call of a few weeks back- if anyone has a few
>> hours to try to edit the FAQ into useful categories, let me know.]
> Here's a preliminary categorization.  I guess license-discuss is
> probably the most appropriate place to post this, since much of the FAQ
> is about licensing in one way or another.
> Any comments welcome.  If I hear a lot of +1s, then I'll edit the FAQ
> page accordingly.  If this gets a lot of comments, then we'll just see
> where the thread goes.  Here are my proposed top-level categories:
>  + Basics of Open Source
>  + Distributing and Using Open Source Software
>  + Commerce and Open Source
>  + Using Our Logo, Linking to Us, Etc
>  + Getting Help
> And here's the proposed breakdown of FAQ items:
> Basics of Open Source
> =====================
>  * Can Open Source software be used for commercial purposes?
>  * Can I restrict how people use an Open Source licensed program?
>  * Can I stop "evil people" from using my program?
>  * What is "copyleft"? Is it the same as "open source"?
>  * What is a "permissive" Open Source license?
>  * Is <SOME PROGRAM> Open Source?
>  * Can I call my program "Open Source" even if I don't use an
>    approved license?
>  * Is <SOME LICENSE> an Open Source license, even if it is not listed
>    on your web site?
>  * What about software in the "public domain"? Is that Open Source?
>  * What about the Creative Commons "CC0" ("CC Zero") public domain
>    dedication? Is that Open Source?
> Distributing and Using Open Source Software
> ===========================================
>  * What if I do not want to distribute my program in source code
>    form? Or what if I don't want to distribute it in either source or
>    binary form?
>  * Which Open Source license should I choose to release my software
>    under?
>  * How do I apply <SOME OPEN SOURCE LICENSE> to software I'm
>    releasing?
>  * Can I strip out the copyrights on Open Source code and put in my
>    own?
>  * Can I write proprietary code that links to a shared library that's
>    open source?
>  * I want to publish some code as Open Source code — can I get a
>    license from you?
>  * Is <SOME PHP PROGRAM> Open Source simply because it's written in
>    PHP?
>  * What is "distribution"? What does it mean to "distribute" a
>    program? Is letting people use it on my server the same as
>    distribution?
>  * Someone is violating a copyleft license, for example by refusing
>    to give me source code when they are required to. What can I do?
> Commerce and Open Source
> ========================
>  * How do I make money if anybody can sell my code?
>  * Can I sell Open Source programs? Even if I haven't written it?
>  * Does Open Source mean anybody else can use my name and logo?
>  * Why did you approve Microsoft's licenses when they are attacking
>    Open Source?
> Using Our Logo, Linking to Us, Etc
> ==================================
>  * Can I use your corporate logo (green open keyhole saying "Open
>    Source") or something very similar (different color / texture /
>    words) on my product (hat, shirt, web page, etc)?
>  * How much does it cost for a link on opensource.org to my website?
>  * Can I use your corporate logo on my web page to link to you?
>  * Can I link to your site?
>  * Can I use one of your pages in a document I'm writing?
> Getting Help
> ============
>  * Can I ask a legal question here?
>  * Can you help me find an Open Source programmer or program?
>  * How do I unsubscribe from one of your mailing lists?
>  * How can I join an open source project?
>  * I have a thesis and I'm sending out a survey...
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> License-discuss at opensource.org
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