Artistic License

Dale netxe456 at
Wed May 4 06:33:50 UTC 2011

thanks a lot for replying
is there any information on the web on the difference between Distribution
Fees and Licensing Fees, so I can educate myself?

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Karl Fogel <kfogel at> wrote:

> Dale <netxe456 at> writes:
> >I want, once more, to thank the forum for providing me with guidance
> >and answers to my questions
> >It seems that properly licensing your software is more difficult than
> >actually developing it
> >My application will be written in Perl and will be explicitly released
> >under GPL but I will use components (libraries) written in Perl which
> >are typically licensed under Artistic License 1.0
> >(, some in 2.0
> >( and some in
> >the "License of Perl 5"
> >(
> >The thing is that in the future I might want to try selling a 'pro'
> >version of the application just to help me pay the bill (very
> >optimistic and unrealistic at the same time,I know..) and the Artistic
> >License has me baffled.
> >
> >version 1.0's section 5 "prohibits sale of the software, yet allows an
> >aggregate software distribution of more than one program to be sold.
> >So, if you bundle an Artistic-licensed program with a five-line
> >hello-world.c, you can sell the bundle." quoting
> >Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution at
> >
> >
> >version 2.0's "Aggregating or Linking the Package
> >
> >(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or
> >Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting
> >aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the
> >Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other
> >components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license
> >apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions
> >as included in the aggregation."
> >
> >The License of Perl 5 :
> >"The Perl License is a combination of the Artistic License and GPL.
> >The user is allowed to choose which license they follow. It is
> >compatible with the GPL.
> >Because of issues with the Artistic License, Perl 6 uses the Artistic
> >License 2."
> >
> >So I don't know what I make of it,may I sell my GPL software which
> >depends on those modules ?
> Looks to me like you can sell for as much as you want, as long as it's a
> Distribution Fee (i.e., does not restrict downstream redistribution)
> rather than a Licensing Fee.
> -Karl
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