OSI license@ lists upgrade this Friday (addresses not changing).

Karl Fogel kfogel at red-bean.com
Wed Aug 10 15:50:47 UTC 2011

Hey everyone,

We're doing a mailing list upgrade at opensource.org, so you may receive
notification emails when we (re)subscribe your address.  Also, there may
be a brief downtime window on this Friday, Aug 12, between 10am–5pm
Eastern U.S. Time (GMT-4).
*You don't need to do anything special.*

You can just continue to use license-discuss at opensource.org and
license-review at opensource.org.

However, the archive locations will be changing.  After Friday, new
messages will be archived at some URL at "opensource.org" (but old
messages will continue to be archived at crynwr.com, with URLs like

Sorry that this will break active threads across two archives, but there
isn't an easy way to migrate the old archives, which are hosted in a
different mailing list software (ezmlm instead of the new Mailman).

Please ask here first if any questions; if there's anything I can't
answer, we'll take it to infrastructure at projects.opensource.org.

Thanks to Andy Oliver for doing the work on this transfer.


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