Which DUAL Licence should I choose.

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Thu Aug 4 20:52:46 UTC 2011

> What would *you think* that a fair amount of source code lines for FREE 
> Usage is?
> 5.000 Lines of PL/I or COBOL Code?
> 10.000 Lines?
> *or what* do you think there in the UK & USA?
The UK doesn't have "fair usage" provisions, and I live in the UK.

As I understand it the essential characteristic of US fair usage is that 
it should not commercially harm the rights owner, and ideally it should 
benefit them, e.g. by providing a teaser that encourages the purchase of 
the full product.

How much you could use would depend on your intended use and the 
intended market of the material.  My guess would be that you could get 
away with a lot of lines if you used a real world program to teach the 
design principles behind such programs, but might be able to use very 
little at all if the program was specifically written as a teaching aid.

Note that this can't be used for must prorietary software, as that is 
generally provided under a restrictive contract which removes default 

You should take my comments on fair usage as speculation and get proper 
legal advice if you think you are anywhere close to a borderline.

David Woolley
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