Which DUAL Licence should I choose.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Aug 4 17:51:24 UTC 2011

Quoting Thomas Schneider (Thomas.Schneider at thsitc.com):

> Hello Rick, and all,
>    what about a *paragraph* in the LICENCE Saying:
> When ThSITC does discontinue support for the Software in question,
> the Software becomes automatically Free Open Source (FOSS) under the
> standard OSi Licence xxxxx ?

Variants on that business model have been used with great success by
some firms, and are respected for what they can accomplish.

You might also find interesting AFPL Ghostscript's (fomerly Aladdin 
Ghostscript's) licensing.  That licence is not open source (it reserves
the right of commercial use), but the point is that the newest versions
of Ghostscript are always issued first under a proprietary licence, and
after a few years those versions are made available under GNU GPL.  So,
Aladdin Industries (or whatever that firm is called, now) has a few
years of commercial monopoly on the current version.

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