Looking for OSI approval of license

Karl Fogel kfogel at red-bean.com
Thu Apr 7 22:07:05 UTC 2011

Chuck Swiger <chuck at codefab.com> writes:
>Um, the mailing list just uses <license-discuss at opensource.org>.  The
>part in double-quotes either shows up because you entered something
>there, or are replying to someone else who did so.

I believe if the mailing list is configured to have a "real name", then
it will fill in that field on outgoing messages, and so MUAs that
otherwise might have been tempted to fill it in themselves (by repeating
the list address) will then refrain from doing so.

In other words, it's a bug that requires cooperation from both sides.
If our side stops cooperating, the bug might go away :-).

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