Looking for OSI approval of license

Chuck Swiger chuck at codefab.com
Thu Apr 7 21:54:04 UTC 2011

On Apr 7, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Karl Fogel wrote:
> Thank you, Andrew.  Could we configure lists so that they look like
> this:
>  "OSI License Discuss" <license-discuss at opensource.org>
> instead of the redundant:
>  "license-discuss at opensource.org" <license-discuss at opensource.org>
> Then this sort of error won't happen anymore.  I refuse to call it pilot
> error: I'm a human, I notice patterns, and I saw me an "@" sign :-).
> The UI is the right place for the fix.

Um, the mailing list just uses <license-discuss at opensource.org>.  The part in double-quotes either shows up because you entered something there, or are replying to someone else who did so.

In other words, just pasting your requested string into the CC: field will give you want you've asked for.


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