Is Eclipse RCPed application including hibernate library covered under LGPL?

Keiko Murakami a2z at
Sun Aug 16 01:30:32 UTC 2009

Hi everyone,

I've been developing an application related Eclipase with hibernate libarary
covered under LGPL v2.1.
When I build the application as RCP file that includes hibernate library,
should I distribute it under LGPL?

I read LGPL v2.1 section 5, I know my application in isolation is "work that
uses the Library(hibernate)", but my concern is that RCPed
application(executable form) must be applied LGPL, because it includes full
hibernate library as jar files and its hibernate library can not separate
from RCPed application.

I'm not sure whether this is the right place to ask, but I appreciate your
Thank you,

mailto:a2z at

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