Automatic GPL termination

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Sep 19 15:21:11 UTC 2007

Philippe Verdy scripsit:

> > You're talking past one another.  Moglen is not opposed to commerce,
> > nor is the GPL.  He is opposed to monopoly (so-called IP).  To be against
> > monopoly is not to be against commerce; on the contrary.
> That's exactly what I intended. We are not opposed on this subject, even if
> you think I was wrong, your opinion here is exactly mine too !

No, I'm objecting to your saying "This is wrong" to someone (A.T.) who in
this point at least agrees with you.  (The difference is that he appears
to consider the destruction of monopoly in commerce to be a bad thing,
whereas you and I consider it good.)

> In other words, I am not talking about "things of the past". 

Ah, no.  The idiom "to talk past someone" means to dispute points they
have not made.  It has nothing to do with "past" as in "before the present
time", but rather is connected with "past" as in "to go past" = "to pass".

John Cowan  cowan at
Does anybody want any flotsam? / I've gotsam.
Does anybody want any jetsam? / I can getsam.
        --Ogden Nash, No Doctors Today, Thank You

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