For Approval: The Simplified BSD License

John Cowan cowan at
Fri Sep 7 13:12:42 UTC 2007

David Woolley scripsit:

> The other problem with such titles, in the general case, is they are in 
> marketing language, like "new improved".  For this licence, it is 
> difficult to take much more out of it, but, in general, once you've 
> simplified once, what do you call it the next time you take a clause out?

The Simpler License?  The Further Simplified License?  The Oversimplified
License?  We now have the Revised Revised Revised Revised Revised
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, commonly known as R6RS.

	A cocky novice once said to Stallman: "I can guess why the editor
	is called Emacs, but why is the justifier called Bolio?". Stallman
	replied forcefully, "Names are but names. 'Emack & Bolio's' is
	the name of a popular ice cream shop in Boston-town. Neither of
	these men had anything to do with the software."

	His question answered, yet unanswered, the novice turned to go,
	but Stallman called to him, "Neither Emack nor Bolio had anything
	to do with the ice cream shop, either."

(And this seems to be true:'s .)

Of all the reasons for objecting to a license, qualms about its name
seems to me the least constructive.

                Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.

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