For Approval: Common Public Attribution License (CPAL)

Russ Nelson nelson at
Wed Jun 27 20:25:53 UTC 2007

Ross Mayfield writes:
 > I think that different individuals have different views about the
 > approved OSI licenses. Russ has his opinion on APL, but others may
 > have a different opinion. For example, many  commentators have been
 > very critical about the GPL.  I don't understand your basis for the
 > statement that the APL was not thoughtfully considered. I understand
 > that you do not like the license, but let's give credit to the License
 > Discuss process.

No, it's exactly that process to which I refer when I caution people
about the Adaptive Public License.  Look through the archives to see
the number of times the author had to ask and re-ask people to
consider it.  It's WAAAAAAAAAAY too complicated and did not receive
the discussion it needed from License Discuss.

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