OSI Board digging out of administrative hole...

Michael Tiemann tiemann at opensource.org
Fri Jul 13 16:41:36 UTC 2007

I'm sure that some of your are eagerly awaiting word about the approval 
status of some pending licenses.  I am sorry to report that given the 
two hours we had for the meeting, and given the priorities I gave to 
certain agenda topics (public policy and membership), we did not manage 
to make progress on the license-approval topics or some of the other 
topics I'd indicated we could address.  The good news is that we have 
two more board meetings scheduled within the next 30 days, and one of 
those meetings is scheduled to run a full day (at OSCON in Portland), so 
I can be reasonably sure that the board *will* act on those licenses 
that are ready for approval/rejection, as well as other questions you 
have asked of me and/or the board.

I apologize for what some of you may perceive as delay.  With the help 
of Mark Radcliffe and DLA Piper, we have been cleaning up our minutes 
since 2005 to a state where we can post them publicly.  As we do so, you 
will be able to see the work that the board does do.  And as we get this 
old work cleared off our desks, we'll be able to put more focus and 
energy into the new issues that we need to address--membership, 
governance, public policy, website content and policies, etc.  I 
appreciate your patience and hope to see those of you who will be 
attending OSCON when I get to Portland.


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