delite me from your mailing list

Christian Maletz christian_maletz at
Wed Jan 24 21:34:49 UTC 2007

Rick Moen schrieb:
> Quoting Ross Mayfield (ross.mayfield at
>> Socialtext has been monitoring the conversation and we appreciate your
>> input.
> You're quite welcome.  
> I've recently noticed a significant and relevant factual error on your
> "Socialtext Open Source Wiki" licensing pages:
> The wiki front page is , which includes
> this text:
>   Socialtext Public License
>   All Socialtext Open Source projects are released under the Socialtext
>   Public License (MPL 1.1with an addendum, please see the Why the 
>   Appendix page [link]).
> Following that hyperlink takes one to
>, which starts
> out like this:
>   Why the Appendix
>   Socialtext's Open Source (SPL) license contains two additonal Appendix
>   not found in the original MPL.
>   An attribution clause, which we are submitting for consideration as a
>   standard before OSI, see Attribution Memo.
> Er, one problem:  As I pointed out to you during our exchange on
> December 29 (and which observation you acknowledged true), Socialtext
> has NOT "submitted for consideration" to OSI Socialtext Public License's
> Exhibit B "attribution" and "network use" addenda (much less the entire
> modified-MPL licence, as would actually need to occur) -- no more than
> Mr. Asay has ever submitted Alfresco's, no more than Mr. Roberts has
> ever submitted SugarCRM's, etc.  You submitted to OSI, as discussed here,
> something entirely different, a licence fragment your firm doesn't 
> (thus far) appear to actually use at all, anywhere -- let alone use for
> Socialtext Open.
> Please correct that fundamental misstatement, at your earliest
> opportunity.  Thank you.

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