[Fwd: FW: For Approval: Generic Attribution Provision]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Jan 22 10:33:39 UTC 2007

Quoting Ben Tilly (btilly at gmail.com):

> (Why do people care about this so much?  We all agree that under OSD
> #10 this is a slam dunk.  Why worry about a far weaker OSD #6
> argument?)
I raise that matter for two reasons:  (1) I expect that the matter will 
be raised again without the OSD#10 blunder -- indeed, I _hope_ someone
submits a licence similar to MPL 1.1 + GAP in general outline, but
without the OSD#10 gaffe, the failure to write coherent English, and
without GAP's obvious oversight of permitting the original copyright
holder to mandate _any_ size of "display".  

(2) The most frequent challenge to open source licensing has _always_
been from various attempts to reserve or restrict commercial usage, 
and still attempt to justify that deserving to be called "open source".


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