Badgeware licences, Take Two

Rick Moen rick at
Thu Feb 1 05:50:36 UTC 2007

Quoting Matthew Flaschen (matthew.flaschen at

> To be fair, it seems Nessus also cripples reuse in the traditional
> method ("You agree not to deliver or otherwise
> make available the Software, in whole or in part,
> to any party other than Tenable" ...).

True.  I actually meant to say Snort (, which 
is GPLv2.  I use those things so seldom, I pulled the wrong one out of 
dusty long-term memory.

Cheers,                   "The American Republic will endure, until politicians 
Rick Moen                 realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
rick at                               -- Alexis de Tocqueville

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