license categories, was: I'm not supposed to use the ECL v2?

Arnoud Engelfriet arnoud at
Mon Dec 3 12:14:10 UTC 2007

Ben Tilly wrote:
> If I elect the GPL v2 in making modifications, I must follow the rules
> of the GPL v2.  That requires me to release my code under the GPL v2.
> But nothing *prevents* me from giving any additional permissions that
> I want on the part that I wrote.  (This is the same principle that
> makes dual licensing possible.)  If the overall license says GPL v2 or

Completely correct. You've put it much better than I could. 

> But as I've just shown, a technical reading of the permissions allows
> redistribution as v2 or later.

True, although of course a licensee can elect v2 only and thus
prevent his contribution from being used in a "v2 or later" or 
v3 fork of the project.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch & European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
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