Radical Suggestion WAS: License Proliferation Dissatisfaction

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at buni.org
Mon Apr 23 03:28:52 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> I agree with you here.  But sometimes you need to start over.  /I'm/
> loathe to say, "Oh, update all you want, but no new programs."  I agree
> that we should allow new versions of licenses, but I also think it would
> be wrong to block out entirely new licenses.
> Matt Flaschen
I'm not saying that at all.  Just that closing the door and say "these 
are it" and make the process "door is open or not".  Meaning NO new 
licenses (except revisions) can be considered unless the "list of open 
source licenses has been reopened by the board for revision" and it is 
an "all or not" to "reopining" for revision (meaning any license can be 
submitted for approval if the list is reopened but NONE can be until 
that time).  The idea is to formally close the door until there is a 
compelling enough reason (presumably legal event) to reopen it....and no 
one REALLY wants to open the door because I came up with a new and 
interesting reword of the BSD license just 'cause right.  Close the 
door, make the bar high to reopen it.


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