GPL for JS libraries (Was: Re: Redefining GPL?)

John Cowan cowan at
Thu Nov 30 21:54:24 UTC 2006

Chuck Swiger scripsit:

> A more specific version of my description above is actually found at  
> the end of the GPL in the section titled "How to Apply These Terms to  
> Your New Programs".  It is not standard practice to actually include  
> the text of the GPL into every source code file, and I cannot recall  
> any of the esteemed practitioners of law who grace this mailing list  
> suggesting a requirement for doing so.  

The point here isn't inclusion, it's distribution.  When I open a Web
page that contains either GPLed Javascript or a reference to it, the
Javascript is distributed.  You can't distribute the Javascript without
distributing the GPL as well.

Ambassador Trentino: I've said enough. I'm a man of few words.
Rufus T. Firefly: I'm a man of one word: scram!
        --Duck Soup                     John Cowan <cowan at>

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