For Approval: BSD License (with express disclaimer of noninfringement added)

Arnoud Engelfriet arnoud at
Tue Aug 8 10:49:36 UTC 2006

Wilson, Andrew wrote:
> BSD is one of the best known and widely used of all open source
> licenses.  Creating a variant at this late date simply because you have
> a single contributor who has far too much time on his or her hands and
> wants to practice belt and suspenders drafting by adding noninfringement
> to the already sweeping disclaimer of warranty and indemnification
> is unnecessary.

And the MIT/X11 license already has an exclusion of warranty
including but not limited to noninfringement. Since BSD and MIT
are practically identical, the OP could consider using MIT instead.

If the OP's lawyers want more verbose language, they could consider
the Academic Free License.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch & European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
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