Copyback license (for discussion)

Chris Zumbrunn chris at
Mon Jun 27 11:07:06 UTC 2005

Since I posted an earlier draft of the Copyback license, I've 
incorporated feedback, improved the language of the license to avoid 
using the same words with different meaning and reduced it to be even 
less verbose.

The Copyback License is generally more permissive than the GPL but also 
contains restrictions that are incompatible with the current version of 
the GPL. It requires that modifications and additions are shared even 
if the binary/source of the derivative work itself is not distributed, 
but like the BSD-style licenses it allows for use in proprietary 

It is closest to the Reciprocal Public license, but non-verbose, more 
permissive and far less anal retentive.

Cheers and thanks for any further feedback,

chris at  +41 329 41 41 41
Chris Zumbrunn Ventures -
Internet Application Technology - Reduced to the Maximum

Current draft:

Copyback License (Draft)

  Redistribution, use, public performance, sublicencing and
  selling with or without modification (the "Deployment") of
  works (the "Work") referencing this license in their copyright
  notices (the "Copyright Notice"), are permitted provided that
  the following conditions are met:

  1. Deployment must retain any Copyright Notice, the above
     grant, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. The name of the Work must not be used to endorse, promote
     or name works derived from the Work without prior written
     permission, which may be obtained by contacting the contact
     address provided in the Copyright Notice (the "Project").

  3. Reasonable efforts to support the Work must be made by
     contributing any modifications and additions, enabling the
     Project to easily obtain such contributions and granting
     the Project rights for Deployment of such contributions.

  4. Alternative license terms may be negotiated by contacting
     the Project and must be obtained in writing.

  The Work is provided "as is" and without warranty of any
  kind, expressed or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by
  applicable law, but with the warranty of being written without
  malicious intent or gross negligence; in no event shall the
  Project, a distributor, author or contributor be held liable
  for any damage, direct, indirect or other, however caused,
  arising in any way out of the usage of the Work, even if
  advised of the possibility of such damage.

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