For Approval: ACE License

Ken Sedgwick ken at
Sun Feb 27 01:36:39 UTC 2005


My name is Ken Sedgwick.  I am a volunteer package maintainer working
to get the ACE and TAO software libraries into standard Linux
distribution.  I am not a lawyer.

The Fedora Extras (Linux Distribution) team has requested that newly
submitted packages have OSI approved software licenses.  The ACE folks
were agreeable to my submission of the ACE License for OSI

The plain text copy of the license is attached to this message.

Most Similar License

The ACE License is most similar to the "New BSD License".  It has been
in force for many years and over 1000 developers have contributed to
the library under this license.  I don't think changing the license is
practical at this point.

Use in Conjunction with Other Licenses

The ACE License does not appear to be incompatible with other open
source licenses.


Many thanks in advance.


Ken Sedgwick
Bonsai Software, Inc.
(510) 610-4162
ken+5a4 at
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