OVPL & "Otherwise Make Available" (was RE: Change ot topic, back to OVPL)

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. roddixon at cyberspaces.org
Fri Aug 26 11:56:00 UTC 2005

...... Original Message .......
On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:41:10 -0700 Michael Bernstein <webmaven at cox.net> 
>On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 09:05 +0100, Alex Bligh wrote:
>> --On 26 August 2005 09:59 +0200 Chris Zumbrunn <chris at czv.com> wrote:
>> > If I relay my mail through an OVPL licensed SMTP server, does that mean
>> > the software was "Otherwise Made Available" to me?
>> Yes, I think so. Ditto "externally deployed" as far as the OSL is concerned
>> in my opinion. The licensor has let a third party (you) use the software.
>> This triggers the obligation to provide source under both licenses.
>It seems to me that closing the 'ASP loophole' in combination with the
>license-back to the ID violates the spirit of the OSD, though I don't
>think I can explain why.
>- Michael Bernstein
Could you at least provide an example of how this might violate the spirit 
of the OSD? As it stands, it seems perfectly compatible with the OSD to me.


Rod Dixon

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