Bruce Perens rejected from license-proliferation committee.

David Webber (XML) david at
Tue Aug 23 02:13:49 UTC 2005



I've read enough of this public posturing.

Given that I deduce Bruce is a lot smarter - he
probably realized from the get-go what would
materialize - and therefore I sense this has
nothing to do with Bruce and the committee, but
all to do with the process and the methods.

In that I see he has been all too successful in
drawing attention to the metrics.

He clearly had no intention of serving on the
committee at this point anyway.

Hopefully there is some way here to leverage
Bruce (and others skills) in some sort of
advisory / review capacity - and to setup
a time honoured upper / lower house structure
here to act as custodians and the combined
brain trust.

Throwing rocks at each other has no purpose.
The bad guys are elsewhere, and we need
a strong and useful OSI process to lead
not squabble.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pablo Barrera Franco" <pablo at>
To: "Carter Bullard" <carter at>
Cc: <license-proliferation-discuss at>;
<license-discuss at>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: Bruce Perens rejected from license-proliferation committee.

> Stop fighting please!
> This discussion dont take us to any place. We must find the way to solve
> this problem.
> The positions has been explained, and Its seems we need to reconsider
> the core problem
> around it. Reject Bruce is NOT a good decisition from the Board, and It
> become an "ego war".
> OSI is an usefull tool for promote the development model, but it seems
> not so effective to unite
> concepts at this point. Im sure that we will find a middle stage between
> meritochracy and democracy.
> As I read, Its no a concern about get angry and find another OSS
> organization that fit to our ideas. Could
> be better find the solution solve the problem.This kind of problems
> generate disgregation just like the Free Software Comm.
>  From an "outsider"(seems to be that cuz I live in the "Third World"
> nobody answers me >:-(, , this discussion
> is a shame.
> I dont have the capability to understand completely this "ego war", but
> it generates a bad concept whom want to
> spread the Open Source Movement in other countries. If the HEAD of OSI
> get this kind of this discussion, nobody
> in any place on earth would like to work wiht this dynamics.
> I feel very very embarrased. As we say in LA " Estamos hasta las muelas
> de verguenza".
> Best regards
> Pablo Barrera Franco
> Iniciativa Open Source LA (Nodo Argentina)

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