Bruce Perens rejected from license-proliferation committee.

Bruce Perens bruce at
Mon Aug 22 00:17:57 UTC 2005

Geez, Matt. It's a long time since February 1999. Some of us have grown
a bit since then, and we wish you would too. It's been more than 5 years
since I've walked off of a Free Software project, and I've gotten a ton
of stuff done for Open Source in that time.



Matthew Garrett wrote:

>On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 02:29:11PM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
>>Bruce Perens wrote:
>>[ ... ]
>>>Some time ago, I applied to be on the license proliferation committee. I
>>>eventually got a form letter from Laura Majerus saying that they had too
>>>many qualified people. When addressed through Mike Tiemann, Laura simply
>>>repeated her previous mantra.
>>Perhaps you're overqualified?  :-)
>Perhaps they're worried that he'll resign at an inopportune moment?

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