Copy-Back License draft for discussion

John Cowan cowan at
Mon Apr 25 15:16:51 UTC 2005

Thorsten Glaser scripsit:

> That does not permit selling. 

So you think that the BSD license does not permit sale either?

> > Redistribution and use, with or without modification, publical


> The project (I'd expect "this" to refer to the licence or
> work (software or documentation)), but note my native language
> isn't English.

"This project" is more specific than "the project".

> > For written permission, contact the project at the address
> > provided within the Copyright Notice (the "Contact Address").

I agree.

> What if I am a dictator on a small island without methods to
> communicate except bottle mail, with a solar powered laptop?

Legal systems always excuse people from specific performance
(as this is) when prevented by force-majeure (as this is).
No license can oblige you to do the impossible.

> Please do not write the disclaimer in ALL CAPS, it makes
> it hard to read and easy to misunderstand.

Unfortunately, it's probably not enforceable in the U.S. if it
doesn't stand out in some way, and ALL CAPS is the only standout
form available in plain text.

> I'd suggest to ask the debian-legal team with regards to
> the DFSG-freeness (which the OSI team apparently does not
> check for any longer), 

It never has.  The two organizations interpret the same text in
very different ways.

"Well, I'm back."  --Sam        John Cowan <cowan at>

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